RE: E-Learning Games Inspired by Popular TV Quiz Shows #473

Follow me as I create a Storyline gamified e-learning project in response to the Building E-Learning Games challenge on the E-Learning Heroes forum.

RE: E-Learning Games Inspired by Popular TV Quiz Shows #473

The final week!

We are on week four. What a ride this has been! I've spent far more evenings and weekends on this than I anticipated but I'm so glad I did because I've learned a lot and the result is so much fun to play. It's fascinating to see the progress from conception to the results too. We're not quite finished yet though.


Here's my progress from this weekend, and since the last update. If you watch closely you can see the cogs working in my tired little brain! 🧠


Wait, no falling items, Arron? Yes, that’s right. I was too attached to the falling items concept. I spent a lot of time perfecting the animation and diving into GSAP. But the gameplay suffered because of it. I decided to let it go and try a different approach. I had planned to share both versions with the community for feedback, but the latest version is so much better that I’m sticking with it. It's much easier to benchmark your improvements against your previous attempts now that you're not waiting for the correct combination to drop in, I've removed the element of luck with this format and rewarded the skill instead.

Summary of the latest changes

  • New tiles for cities and countries which fit the theme of the game.
  • Removed falling animation and replaced with new GSAP intro animation.
  • Implimented a high-score system so you can easily benchmark yourself.
  • Added a menu which displays the high-score and reset level button.
  • Added feedback on which answers were selected formatted neatly on the feedback slide.

Final Submission

I don't know about you, but I always spot things I want to improve, I can never truly call something 'finished.' The urge to keep refining is strong, but I'm going to resist working up until the deadline and share this now. 🥳 And this time, we’ve got sound!

Latest Progress

Or watch the video 👇


Summary of changes

For this version I have added some polish with the following.

  • Background music to add a little energy and create that gameshow feeling
  • Sound effects for correct and incorrect answers
  • Emphasis animations for correct and incorrect answers
  • Mute button in the menu for the music
  • Idle animation for the Shaman mask

Final thoughts

I'm incredibly happy with how this turned out, in fact I'm very tempted to continue to work on this beyond the four weeks so that I can add to my portfolio. I set the scene for multiple challenges in the game before you beat the jungle and I would love to add more. Perhaps I can find ways to work in future E-Learning Heroes challenges?

We're also technically missing a 'lose' scenario now that the falling animation has been removed. You're really just playing against your previous highscore. As I mentioned, I can never really call something done!

Don't miss these features

There were two updates to Storyline which originally flew under my radar, they may not sound as exciting as something like AI but I cannot overstate how much they helped and I would absolutely not have been able to create something like this without them.

JavaScript Console

The built-in console allowed me to quickly check for errors in the JavaScript I was adding. I was also able to easily find HTML elements and check that classes were correctly added to the elements.

Ability to Preview JavaScript

We no longer have to publish the course to preview the changes made with JavaScript. I simply would not have committed to this level of JavaScript integration without being able to preview how the changes I was making would work. I could have used built in triggers but this would have extended the build time significantly.

Storyline 360: JavaScript Console - Articulate Support
Learn about the JavaScript console in Storyline 360.

That's it from me!

Thanks for following along with the progress through this build, from conception through to delivery! I'm looking forward to developing it further over the coming months. 👋

Previous posts

RE: Building E-Learning Games - Concept & Storyboard #470
Follow me as I create a Storyline gamified e-learning project in response to the Building E-Learning Games challenge on the E-Learning Heroes forum.
RE: Building E-Learning Games - Prototype Development #471
Follow me as I create a Storyline gamified e-learning project in response to the Building E-Learning Games challenge on the E-Learning Heroes forum.
RE: Building E-Learning Games - Development and Review #472
Follow me as I create a Storyline gamified e-learning project in response to the Building E-Learning Games challenge on the E-Learning Heroes forum.